
The UK's premier Natural History Entertainers (founded in 2002)


Travelling Natural History Museum is Compliant, Capable and Caring!

We are doing everything we can to keep everyone safe.  Please read below a full explanation of the measures we now have in place...


We are constantly reviewing and following National Guidance supplied by the Government, HSE, National Youth Agency and FSB and other sources, to make sure all our measures and efforts are current and compliant.

In addition to our routine risk assessment documents, you can now download our COVID-specific risk assessment documents:

Individually prepared COVID risk assessments can be supplied upon request for other event booking types.

Government policy currently restricts numbers on certain gatherings, such as parties. This number is subject to continual change. We will ensure we are up to date on any changes to restrictions and will aim to keep clients informed. However, responsibility to adhere to government law on number restrictions remains the responsibility of every client. We reserve the right to postpone or cancel any event if this number is exceeded. Payment will still be due.


We will bring and use at any event, ample supplies of Protective Measures Equipment (PME), regardless of what a venue or anyone else intends to supply.  This makes us independently capable, as well as a comforting back up resource. Check out our PME List!

We’ve adapted a lot of our event activities, such as party games and fossil handling, to maintain social distancing, but as always, our hosting style, humour and enthusiasm keeps FUN at the forefront!

All our models and artefacts are cleaned before and after any event or handling.  We will ensure hygiene facilities and routines are in place to use to help minimize risk during the event.


We are looking after ourselves, and in doing so, hope to help look after you too.

Please take a look at our up to date advice sheet.  This will be emailed to all clients upon booking any "In Person event".  Clear, simple directions about our measures and what to expect at our events, can be emailed to any guests or attendees of the event, so everyone feels as comfortable and confident on the day as possible.

We will also chat with you beforehand about any requirements or requests, including those of your venue, so there’s no panic, confusion or awkwardness on the day.

We are engaged in the NHS Test & Trace so your host will contact you if they develop symptoms within 21 days of the party or event.  We will ask the same from you; that if you or any of your guests develop symptoms, that you let us know, so we can arrange self-isolation.

We have recently introduced a new price reduction for our Dino parties, designed especially to encourage the smaller number, and therefore safer, party environment.  The deposit amount has been reduced by 50% to just £25.  If events need to be postponed, for any reason, the deposit is valid for 2 years.  Or, you may choose to book our 100% safe, lower cost, alternative option: A Virtual Dinosaur Party or Workshop. These are proving so successful; they’re going to be available permanently.

Although we will try hard to Minimize the Risks, we obviously can’t eliminate them.  We can and will only request, not enforce, our suggested protective measures on all attendees.  So, ultimately the choice and responsibility will lie with each individual attending.  We do expect however, that each attendee respects our personal and professional decisions to keep to them, wherever possible, ourselves.

Thank you in advance for your patience and co-operation and we hope to see you soon!

Call us 01279 945455

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